"Ein Vogel ist nicht dadurch definiert, dass er am Boden verharrt, sondern durch seine Fähigkeit zu fliegen. Denke immer daran: Menschen sind nicht durch ihre Grenzen definiert, sondern durch die Absichten, die ich (Gott) für sie habe." William Paul Young - Die Hütte

Montag, 8. November 2010

And more happenings...

First I was in Germany to see the my biggest hero who happens to be my husband ;o)

At the Zwiebelmarkt in Weimar taking a little break form writing my home exam... My time in Jena started with a trip to the Zwiebelmarkt and now it was sort of the end of my time there as well. Interesting... 
Visitors in Jena: Svens aunt and uncle with Charlotte and Camilla came to visit while I was there as well. Here we took them to the Stilbruch...where else :o)
 Celebrating birthday in Sandefjord

Celebrating Elisabeths birthday back home in Sandefjord with delicious scallop soup and shrimps :o)

Life in Oslo
Everyday life at my grandmothers house :o)

Daniela, a very dear friend came for a short trip and we got a great day in Oslo with some sightseeing, shopping and some fårikål!!!

Then I was blessed to have another precious friend, Deanna, with me for almost a week!

 I enjoyed it very much having both of you here. Thank you so much for coming!

Last saturday I went for a hike in the Nordmarka, a hiking area close to the Holmekollen ski jump. The weather was absolutely beautiful and in the distance you can see the Oslo fjord.

Take care and see you soon all of you out there :o)

Some impressions from the past weeks...

I have a lot to catch up with. It has not been as quiet as my blog might gives the impression of. Here are some pictures to give you some ideas of  what has been going on lately.

International Dinner on November 4th...It was great!!! 

Our host Ingvild (left)

Everyone brought a national dish from their home country

The Norwegian desert table

Lots of fun and laughter...

...with great class mates!