"Ein Vogel ist nicht dadurch definiert, dass er am Boden verharrt, sondern durch seine Fähigkeit zu fliegen. Denke immer daran: Menschen sind nicht durch ihre Grenzen definiert, sondern durch die Absichten, die ich (Gott) für sie habe." William Paul Young - Die Hütte

Dienstag, 28. September 2010

Ausflug nach Ås & Bowling bei Peppe's

Vergangenen Freitag machten wir einen Ausflug nach Ås mit der gesamten Klasse. Dort hatten wir Vorlesungen zum Thema "Water & Sanitation". Nach anfänglicher Skepsis war ich total begeistert! Was für geniale Ideen es gibt, die Kontamination von Wasser verhindern und somit viele Krankheiten verhindern können! In diesem kleinen Film seht ihr eine echt geniale Idee, die von Prof. Jenssen entwickelt worden ist. Hey Jan, du wirst das mögen ;o)

Hier ein paar Fotos:
Saheer und Namrata

Warten auf den Zug...und es regnete..

Prof. Jenssen eklärt wie die Toiletten funktionieren ;o)

Saheer musste sie gleich mal ausprobieren.

Anschliessend ging es weiter mit Pizza & Bowling. Kurze Zusammenfassung: Gute Laune und viel Gelächter ;o)

Namrata und Johanna

Die Qual der Wahl...

Und...unser Team hat gewonnen !!!

Sven-Petter in Oslo

Vor 10 Tagen war mein Liebster zu Besuch in Oslo. Nachdem ich mein erstes Home-Exam in Jena geschreiben hatte reisten wir zusammen zurück. Wir kamen um 1.20 Uhr in der Früh an bei meiner Oma an und Sven-Petter musste um 7.30 Uhr in der Gastrochirurgie im Rikshospitalet (Norwegens größter Klinik) zur Hospitation antreten. Er hat die Herausforderung natürlich mit Glanz gemeistert, so dass am Freitag ein sehr positives Gespräch mit den Chefärzten folgte. Sven-Petter war sichtlich glücklich und erleichtert...siehe Foto...

Happy ;o)

Und dann haben wir es uns gut gehen lassen ;o)
Wir hatten eine wunderbare Zeit, nur vergehen die Tage leider viel zu schnell. Ich freue mich darauf wenn in ein paar Monaten hoffentlich endlich etwas ruhigere Zeiten anstehen. 

Donnerstag, 9. September 2010

The "Fårikål" event

The very first week we had to elect three ministers in a very civilised, democratic manner... The first one is the so called "Minister of Shopping" and its task is to make sure the non-Norwegians get to know everything on where they can buy food that is a little less Norwegian or, in other words, a little more spicy and exotic mainly to be found at Grønland here in Oslo. The second minister is the "Minister of Physical Activity" making sure we all get enought exercise...hehe (did I mention that I have been to the gym this week?...). The last one but very important one is the "Minister of Culture" who is in charge of being updated on what's happening in Oslo as well as suggesting ideas for activities to get to know the Norwegian culture.

Having said that I can start to tell you about the "Fårikål" event at Heidi's place. Heidi is our Minister of Culture. She invited us all for a very traditional meal at her house in the eastern part of Oslo. "Fårikål" means lamb in cabbage and that is basically all there is too. Well as a real Norwegian you will have some potatoes going with it though ;o) It is a very typical dish served mainly in the fall here in Norway. Sorry didn't take any pictures of the food...

Waiting for the Fårikål
After the delicious meal Sam, Heidi's husband who is from Nigeria, suggested we could do some dancing. He is a musician himself and played some very nice, reggae-like, soulish music...I think its obvious we had much fun!
Mekonnen trying to demonstrate some traditional Ethiopian dance ;o)
Part of the dancing was that the ones who had some traditional dances from their home country could show it to the others so everyone could join. For those of you who wonder what dance I showed...keep wondering ;o)
Dancing to African music...very much fun!
This picture actually has a story going with it but is kind of hard to explain here. Ask me in person and I will explain...
Lisa, Aiko, Johanna and me
Some of the girls in my class. Especially Lisa and Johanna I have become good friends with here. It's too sad they are only here for an Erasmus semester...
Lisa, Sam, Mekonnen, Adolphos, Namrata
Sitting on the balcony enjoying the beautiful weather. Clear blue sky and sunshine even though it was a bit chilly...but we all have to turn into real Wiking-Norwegians now to get prepared for the winter ;o)

Saheer and Johanna

It's a great group of people that's for sure!
A little culture side note which I found to be very funny... One of the girls was seriously asked for her bride price ;o) I just had to laugh so hard...Well even though she is in a relationship she was considered to still be available because she isn't engaged or married yet. This is luckily not how it works in Norway hehe... I guess you can see how class discussions can turn out to be very interesting and extremely unpredictable ;o)

Sonntag, 5. September 2010

Back to my origins...Switzerland!

Here are some pictures from an amazing weekend in my home country. We (Sven & I and my parents in law) spent the last weekend in Zürich and surroundings, staying at my uncles and aunts house. We all arrived seperately and met up at the airport in Zürich.

Sven-Petter & Severina
Here we are having a little coffee break close to the Bahnhofstrasse in a trendy cafe named 0815.

Lunch at the Limmat in Zürich
After lots of rain it cleared up when we arrived in Zürich downtown. We got to enjoy the city in its full beauty sitting at the Limmat river having a nice lunch in the sunshine.

An honouring speach for the birthday child
In the evening we had dinner at an Italian restaurant together with Björn and Maja. Svens dad spontaneously held a speach :o)

Suprise for the birthday child;o)
Sven even got his very special desert...

Me, Hanne and Sven-Richard

Maja prepared a delicious Swiss dish: Zürcher Geschnetzeltes with Rösti
On Saturday we had a fabulous dinner at Björn and Maja's place after having toured around to a few special places: The pace where I grew up, my old school, where my grandparents lived in Switzerland and we got to see the famous monestary in Einsiedeln. Björn you are the best tourguide ever ;o)

Mountains, sunshine and blue sky...
On Sunday we made a trip to the canton of Glarus. Here we have a rest sitting outside enjoying the sunshine.
Love you my dear :o)
The last picture before Sven had to return to Jena and I headed back to Oslo. But soon we'll see eachother again!